Aaloo ko Achaar

Aaloo ko Achaar

Aaloo ko Achaar, a traditional Nepali potato salad, offers a delightful blend of flavors and textures. Boiled potatoes and onions form the heart of this dish, while some recipes introduce a twist by incorporating carrots and cucumbers. The boiled potatoes are diced and combined with thinly sliced onions, carrots, and cucumbers, creating a colourful and vibrant salad. The dressing typically includes mustard oil, fenugreek seeds, turmeric, red chilli powder, Sichuan pepper powder, salt, and occasionally garlic, ginger, green chilies, and lemon juice or vinegar for added zest. This refreshing salad is perfect for accompanying rice, dahl, or other main courses, adding a burst of flavour and freshness to the meal. Whether enjoyed as a side dish or a standalone snack, Aaloo ko Achaar is sure to entice the taste buds with its harmonious blend of ingredients.